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And the future is...

The blog revolution and media revenues

The big question on a lot of media folks' minds these days is how blogging will change peoples media habits, and ultimately effect the way media need to do business in order to stay profitable. UK Channel 4 presenter Jon Snow recently told The Guardian's Changing Media Summit he thinks 'blogs will professionalise journalism'. At the same conference Ben Hammersley, indicated that the blog revolution might reduce editors willingness to write big pay checks for columnists who 'offer material little better than what bloggers offer for nothing'.

However, this interesting article from The Editors Weblog, published by The World Editors Forum, argues that individual journalists and commentators in the future will become more important than newspaper brands, in other words that the media will see a shift from brand generated revenues to revenues based on personalised content. This would mean top journalists, commentator and 'aggregators' can still expect to earn good money...


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