Blog coverage from election night in Sweden
Just too much

All that paper

As more and more people get their news online, newspapers in this country have flooded the market with all kinds of featurey magazines, mostly included with the various editions of the papers, to impress upon their readers the added value of print over internet. Ironically, the success of online media has actually encouraged more in-depth, and sometimes even more investigative, reporting on paper - the thinking being that readers may skim their news online, but surely they still prefer to have the longer reads on paper. The only minor problem with this strategy is that people's preference for getting their news online often reflects a more hectic everyday life, where time is a rare luxury, and skimming the news online is simply the quickest way of keeping up-to-date.

So when Kristine Moody resigned as editor of standalone news magazine Memo recently, citing a desire to 'spend more time with her family', Dagbladet's Andreas Wiese speculated that it wasn't only the editors of such magazines who where struggling to find enough time, but perhaps also their prospective readers, who in Memo's case, have failed to materialise in the desired quantities. Of course others have speculated that Moody, a former Financial Times trainee and CNBC commentator, was 'too different to be accepted by Norwegian press' and was forced to leave because her right-wing sympathies didn't sit well with Memo's left-wing publisher Dagbladet. Exponents of that theory have suggested that the magazine's next editor will be someone in-house, who subscribes to Dagbladet's overall values. For all I know, that might sit better with Memo's editorial staff, but I wonder what would then distinguish Memo, who burst onto the media scene a few months ago with loud promises of 'new and unusual angles', from its main competitor, left leaning news magazine, Ny Tid.


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