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Swedish publication commissioned journalist to report his own trial

No, this was not an attempt to be funny or practice a more personalised form of journalism: when Dagens Media reported on journalist Niclas Rislund's trial for pretending to be policeman in his former job at Expressen, the Swedish tabloid, the media rag had none other than Rislund write the article, in which Rislund refers to himself as 'Expressen's former star reporter'. Of course, this caused an outcry, both in mainstream media and among bloggers, with Hans Kullin dubbing it 'a fantastic example that journalism doesn't need blogs to destroy itself'.

Dagens Media's response? 'We were short of people, and we wanted to get this piece of news out fast. Niclas was available, he could do it quickly and he knew the issue', said editor-in-chief Rof van den Brink. I bet.

After this debacle, Dagens Media's blog, Köksveckan, with blog posts about the affair, mysteriously disappeared, reports Hans Kullin, who also reported on the story here.

Update 01/03: As if that wasn't enough, Rislund has been accused of fabricating an interview with Schibsted'd CEO, Kjell Aamot, which appeared in yesterday's print version of Dagens Media. Funny how Dagens Media seems to have a predilection for employing disgraced ex-Expressen hacks like Rislund and Svensson.


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