The Social Impact of the Web
March 12, 2007
Adriana Lukas sums up the impact of the web in three levels, touching on democracy, authority, the individual, technology. As always, it's worth reading in full, but here's a highlight:
...people are learning something: They are learning self-determination and unlearning decades of one-way communication and mass broadcasting. The ability to express and respond to things on their own terms and their own way is what this is about. And in some senses, autonomy is a more meaningful definition of freedom as it entail my freedom to do many things essential to my identity.
These three levels of the social impact on the web is definetely an interesting read.
By the way, interesting blog you've got!
Posted by: Hans P. Fosseng | March 12, 2007 at 07:37 PM
Yes, Adriana is always a great source of brilliant insights and posts that really make you think deep and hard. I only wish she would find time to write that book soon...
She's one of those who understood the importance of social media from a very early stage, and still has a better grasp of it, and it's impact, than most other people. She's also the one who eventually got me blogging, and literally set up this blog, so am forever grateful to her for that, and only wish I'd be in London still and could see her more often....
Posted by: Kristine | March 12, 2007 at 08:49 PM
NB. if you enjoyed this post, you might find this interesting (links to Adriana's post in last paragraph):
Posted by: Kristine | March 12, 2007 at 08:54 PM