Schibsted + Deutsche Post = New German Freesheet?
September 15, 2007
According to Handelsblatt (in German) Deutsche Post is in talks with Norwegian media group Schibsted about launching a national German freesheet (via
It's not a secret that Deutsche Post is considering to move into the freesheet market to beef up its revenue streams ahead of the European Union's liberalisation of the market for postal services in 2009. And Schibsted would, of course, with its market leading freesheets in France and Spain and two previous attempts at launching a free newspaper in Germany (via Piet Bakker), be able to add valuable expertise to a potential partnership. For Schibsted's part, Germany must be an attractive market to crack, but the threat of getting sued for unfair competition, as happened with Schibsted's first German freebie project, hasn't exactly gone away...