Baugur's exit from newspapers: much ado about everything
How many of the right readers can you offer us, dear?

Bloggig is about identity, not brand

A blog gives you a chance to build your own identity, which is miles better than brand. It allows for a mix of trivial, serious, thoughtful and sometimes stupid.. just like the human being behind it. That is the authenticity that companies would like to infuse their brands with. Alas, it's like with androids. Close but not quite. And often, not even close...

Afraid I don't have the direct link for this quote, but I'm sure it's something I copied down from Adriana ages ago (I can just hear her voice when I read it:-) ). I came to remember this quote just now, thinking about a question Paal Hivand asked yesterday about how long you can get away with pure marketing and sales on a blog or twitter acoount before readers get fed up. For my own part: my time/attention is precious, and I get fed up straight away if there's nothing in it for me... Just gave up on following BBC News on twitter because they don't provide direct links (in which case follwing them via my news reader would be far superior, but that's too much of a commitment)...


You are not the only one who get dissapointed at Twitter. I think many 'broadcasters' are loosing listeners already.

I stop following bloggers and twitters for the same reasons I think. Too much non-sense and I'm out. I dont want anyone to waste my time.

On blogs I can see more of the writers identity, and it makes it easier to choose which one to listen to. On Twitter it is much harder, so I start to wonder: Will we choose to listen to the same people in both medium?

That's an interesting question, though I have different expectations to mainstream media than to friends and blogger (-friends).

It's great to see what friends and blog friends are up to, and less of a commitment to follow new people via twitter than blogs (I like to take some time to get to know people)+ as the good bloggers they are, they always provide direct links to the stuff they're talking about.

It's interesting to see how mainstream media (MSM) tackle this environment though, as with blogs and MSM, twitter and MSM throws up a lot of unexpected things...

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