Six quick social media lessons from the Obama campaign
June 08, 2009
Jodi Williams from the Obama Campaign Team was in Oslo last week to talk about lessons learnt from the 2008 presidential campaign. Here's a few quick highlights I took away from her talk (I'd have posted this sooner if it wasn't for ongoing computer trouble):
Picture of Williams by Tord Nedrelid published under a CC-license
Picture of Williams by Tord Nedrelid published under a CC-license
- Social media turns out to be very crucial these days for reaching out, not only to younger demographics, but quite widely - especially for reaching the demographic that’s really busy and not home to sit down and watch ABC News at six
- The Twitter effect will play a much bigger part in future elections along with texting. We could have used texting and twitter much more effectively
- Really excited by how mobile networks will change campaigning and reporting
- No longer one way comunication but a two way coversation that can turn into a movement
- It’s about giving people the opportunity to organise themselves. Social media offers good tools to organise people and to help them find each other
- The Clinton-campaign was stuck in the past. We had younger people who were not stuck in ideas on how to do and organise things and were free to look ahead