Volcano-stranded travellers find help at Hitchhiker’s Central
April 19, 2010
How often does a news site really save the day? In the wake of the volcanic ash cloud crisis, Norwegian travellers turn to VG’s Hitch Hiker’s Central to save theirs.
While governments are facing mounting criticism for being slow to act, and help its many citizens stranded in other parts of the world in the wake of the crisis, Norway’s biggest news site must have saved many a stranded traveller – it certainly saved me.
Or at least it helped me get the media trainer I had brought over from Scotland for The Norwegian Online News Association (NONA) back to the UK despite all planes being grounded.
It’s as simple as it is effective: at an early stage of the crisis, Schibsted-owned VG.no launched a two-column site called Hitchhiker’s Central where everyone who can offer transport and everyone who needs transport to various parts of the world can submit ad-like messages.
The messages submitted has ranged from people who just want to go to a neighbouring town, to people needing, or offering, lifts to far-away places such as Dubai or Barcelona. And my own experience suggests it works surprisingly well. When we first realised that the trainer in question might not be able to fly back to Scotland as planned on Saturday, we first joked that we would put together a private boat to take him to Aberdeen and auction off the free places to other stranded travellers on Twitter.
In the end, that proved unpractical, but when I found a friend who were willing to drive from Oslo to Dover and back to get him home, I was able to fill up the car in both directions, thereby covering the costs of the trip, by submitting a message to Hitchhiker’s Central. I did call around to a few other travellers advertising for lift to London before submitting an ad myself, and several of those I talked to had already found lift from Oslo to London which suggests my experience was not unique.
Within minutes of placing an "ad" (a free message) on Hitchhiker’s central, the receptionist at a Rica hotel in Oslo called me to hear if I had room for a British businessman staying at the hotel (that’s service for you, it made me like Rica even better than I already did). The last passenger on the trip to Dover (they arrived this morning) was a Norwegian student desperate to get back to the UK for his exams at Cardiff University. On the way back to Oslo, the car will bring a salesman, a singer and a conductor - all Norwegians who were stranded in London.
I do wonder about the conversations in all those cars now travelling across Europe with people who must be complete strangers to each others. I hope some people have the presence to record them, either by way of video or blog. At least all the people I talked to sounded like really nice people, and part of me wanted to go myself just for the adventure of it. I’m not so sure it felt all that wonderful when they arrived Dover after 20 hours on the road, but still…at least they’re in the right country now.
I'm thinking that all the wonderful ways I’ve seen people collaborate and help each other get home, via Twitter, blogs and on Hitchhiker’s Central, must be the one redeeming feature of this crisis. Social media has certainly played an important role too, and Twitter was of some help for me when planning the Oslo-Dover-Oslo trip.
What VG.no could offer in this situation was scale, with it’s close to 3m unique users a week it offered people a brilliant connection point that few other sites could. It’s a great service to its readers and, I’m sure, a great click winner too.
For the record: It must be said that the media trainer in question was in Norway to do in-house training for VG.no and give a talk at a NONA-event, and that VG.no’s editor is a board member of NONA, but his visit was organised by me, as the president of NONA, and, as this crisis happened over the weekend, so was the "rescue operation".
Heisann! Min mor er paa besok hos meg i Wales. Hun riste med Ryan Air til Stanstead og var ment a fly tilbake paa Mandag 19. April. Det ser ikke saa bra ut for henne. Hun er litt stressa fordi hun skulle ha vaert paa jobb (Borregaard i Sarpsborg) i dag. Har du noen raad eller tips paa en realistisk alternativ for henne? Haaper aa faa svar...
Mange takk paa forhaand.
Posted by: Natalia Fairclough | April 20, 2010 at 02:09 PM
Jeg er redd jeg ikke vet så mye mer enn hva jeg ser av informasjon om situasjonen på nettaviser og fra flyselskap.
Den beste løpende oppdateringen jeg har sett er på denne livebloggen (trykk på Play for å spille den av) http://www.tnooz.com/2010/04/17/news/volcanic-ash-cloud-and-european-travel-live-blog/
Denne uoffisielle Ryanair Twittekontoen kan også være interessant for oppdateringer http://twitter.com/ryanairmobile
Hvis jeg var i moren din sine sko ville jeg nok sett på om det ikke var mulig å bli i Wales til situasjonen har løst seg siden det kan ble en lang og strabisøs ferd hjem hvis hun absolutt må hjem. Jeg har sett mange få skyss via http://www.vg.no/spesial/haikesentralen/ men det spørs om det er så lett fra Wales.
Evnt er det mye mulig at hun kan få skyss fra London eller Dover, men da må hun ta tog eller buss dit først og det er veldig fullt på offentlig transport også i Storbritannia nå som følge av krisen. Dessuten kan det lett løpe på ekstra kostnader, som f.eks overnatting underveis, og jeg antar at hun bor gratis hos deg i Wales.
Det går selvsagt også an å kjøpe en interrail billett gaske rimelig. Hos NSB har jeg sett de ned i ca 2000 nok for fem dager, men da må hun være sikker på at hun kommer seg over den engelske kanalen.
Videre går det båt fra Harwich i sør-øst England og til Esbjerg i Danmark, men den går tre ganger i uka, og det kan jo også lett bli dyrt å dra først til Esbjerg og så videre derfra til Fredrikstad.
Ingen hyggelig situasjon dette, men om jeg hadde hatt muligheten til det ville jeg nok blitt i Wales, både hyggelig og mye rimeligere enn mange andre deler av Storbritannia, og ventet til flyene begynte å gå igjen.
Posted by: Kristine | April 20, 2010 at 02:58 PM
Hva en utrolig service! Jeg har alltid liker å lese om folk hjelper hverandre.
(That's what Google Translate kicked out for: What an incredible service! I always enjoy reading about people helping one another.)
Posted by: delmer | April 21, 2010 at 04:55 PM
Not bad;-) Not quite grammatically correct but this Google translation do convey what you intended to say. It certainly had me wondering for a second when I saw you'd started commenting in Norwegian;-)And yes, it has been amazing to see all the ways in which people, often complete strangers to each other, have helped one another during the ash cloud crisis. I bet there are many wonderful stories out there on this that have yet to told. For my part, I'm very pleased that "my car" delivered its passengers safely both in Dover and in Oslo - though I did know I'd enlisted a top notch and very reliable driver, I often worry unnecessarily about all the things that can go wrong.
Posted by: Kristine | April 21, 2010 at 05:09 PM