The state of social media and personal recollection
August 23, 2010
Wow, this one hit me. Paul Carr's The Rise of Microblogging, The Death of Posterity is really thoughtprovoking, worth reading and reflecting on.
I found this post via a tweet from Loic LeMeur who said he totally disagrees, but even though I often find myself disagreeing with Carr I think what he says about microblogging vs blogs is mostly true. I use microblogging more for conversation and sharing and reading links than for broadcasting, but it is true that a lot of the things I'd formely blog about I've ended up just tweeting since I joined Twitter.
That means I have some of the same problems refinding stuff I've linked to as Carr, and it's very annoying as a major function of this blog is as a backup of my own brain. In Carr's words: "...the realisation is slightly terrifying: by constantly micro-broadcasting everything, we’ve ended up macro-remembering almost nothing."
Now, I don't have any plans to delete my social media profiles, but it's useful to be reminded of, and reflect a bit on, this paradox, and least I took a few minutes out to blog this...